Installment payment

Discover the payment in instalments. Receive your order now and pay the first installment within 30/40 days, from minimum 3 to maximum 18 installments, according to your needs:
- Choose HeyLight at checkout: you will be redirected to their website to complete your order and fill in the online request in 3 minutes
- Choose the number of instalments and enter your data and documents, keeping at hand
- IBAN of your account, in addition to credit card, on which the installment will be charged
- identification document
- Sign the contract with code sent via sms
- Pay in installments from the month following the purchase.
- Be a natural person (no funding is granted to legal persons), of age, resident in Italy for at least 3 years
- Have a regular and demonstrable income
- Enjoy good credit rating (those who have been reported or protested at credit databases such as CRIF, cannot request payment with HeyLight)
- Have a bank account (please indicate an IBAN to which you will be charged for the monthly payment of the instalment, without bills or files in mail) or a credit/debit card.